Monday, November 16, 2009


The other day I checking out this blog and Deb wrote the below article on the blessings of God and what heaven will be like. . .
. .
. God?? Are there....? .
Do ya ever just spend time sharing with God your 'wonderings'? . Last night I was communing with God and I was thanking Him for the many blessings He's allowed me to experience. And as I continued to thank God for things like my husband, my family, my home, my daily provision, etc. - that thankful list of things just kept growing.
I found myself thankful for the sunshine, the crunchy leaves underfoot ... and so much more.
. Then I began to wonder, if these things are so very impressive to me, and if they're so important and bring such joy to me here - what must Heaven be like?? . I know that we won't even need light in the presence of God - because Jesus will be our Light. I know that we will find our joy made complete in Him.
But... Do you, like me, ever wonder, "God... are there..." . I lay there last night asking God, "God, are there seasons in heaven? Is it Autumn there now? Do the leaves change to vibrant color and then fall to blow into piles and crunch underfoot?" . Are there oceans of life-filled water in heaven? And do those oceans have tides that wash seashells upon the shore? .
Are there pelicans that glide through the air to suddenly dive down... down... splashing into the water for a quick meal? Are there seagulls that follow the pelicans, screeching for just a tidbit? Are there little black mango-tree crabs? And sunning lizards? Are there sand-dollars and starfish? . Are there mountains in heaven, God? Do the trees of the mountains release a fresh-pine fragrance into the air? Does the morning mist settle like a cloudy dew in the mountains? .
Are there creeks and rivers in heaven? Are they crystal clear and cold and drinkable? Are there smooth stones and jumping fish in the rivers? .
Are there clouds in heaven, God? Can one just lay on the ground and look into the blue sky to see animal characters, dancing ladies and funny cartoons in the shapes of those clouds?
. . Are there deer and raccoons and squirrels in the woods of heaven, God?
. Are there hummingbirds - lots and lots of hummingbirds? . Are there caves, God? Caves that are carved from small but steady movements of water? Cool, darkened caves of mysteriously beautiful stalactites and stalagmites? And tiny cave creatures? . Are there shoes in heaven? Or can we enjoy being barefoot in the grass? Is there grass? Do the people in heaven run and jump and dance? Do they grab the hands of passers-by and pull them into the joyous, laughing dance? . . God?? Are there these things in heaven? Or are our minds too finite to understand all that heaven holds for us? You remind us that "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what You have prepared for those who love You." ..
And as our minds begin to wonder how much more this old world can take, and as we continuously battle the enemy's attacks upon our world, churches, families and even our own minds, our fleshly bodies join with your creation as we begin to 'groan' inwardly, eagerly awaiting the redemption of these earthly bodies. As we wait, I feel compelled to wonder...
If Jesus has been preparing a place for us for over 2,000 years, just what heaven must be like?? .
I hoped you enjoyed the beautiful words of Deb's ponderings about heaven.
We shall look forward to that day when we get to see his face and all God has instore for us!
cg 8:)+<}=B


manthano said...

Thanks for stirring my mind. Perhaps we should
think more about heaven. Then we would long
for it more.

And the pictures. Well, they make me
dissatisfied with where I live. Now I want
to move even further out.

Thanks and God bless you.

Cherylg said...

Hi Manthano. I am glad you liked it. Deb really wetted my whistle. As you can see, I enjoyed it sooo much I had to copy it. It was very enjoyable looking for the pictures for it. For a short while I was listening to this song about heaven inwhich there was a beautiful orchastra playing while the song was being sung and I was viewing all these photo's & paintings for the article. I almost had a glory spell. What we have instore for us is beyond words as was it paul had spoke of? What did you think of my poem? HE HE.

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