Thursday, July 23, 2009

21 WAYS TO KEEP YOUR MIND SHARP: Brain Exercise Link

My memory . . . Oh my memory. How can I improve it. I have found when I am under alot of stress it is really bad and I have forgot things from the past from stresses back then. Here's some interesting stuff for those who are having these same issues or that may know someone who is struggling with their memory. . .
Brain function starts to decline in your mid-20s -- but you can fight back. Follow these suggestions to help keep your mind in tip-top shape. .
By Susannah Marriott

From the mid-20s, brain function starts to decline, although you may not notice the effects until decades later. When synapses -- the connections between the ends of nerve cells -- aren't switched on regularly, the brain finds it harder to store and retrieve information. However bad your memory is now, mental aerobics, good nutrition and moderate physical activity can elevate mental acuity and memory skills.

1. Cook with sage:

Sage is traditionally associated with improving memory. Research has shown that people who take sage oil in capsule form before memory tests perform better than those who take a placebo. The purple variety is best -- use it to flavour roasts and sauces or make a cup of surprisingly drinkable tea.

2. Take ginkgo:

The herb ginkgo biloba has earned its reputation as a brain tonic because it has a beneficial effect on the peripheral blood circulation, improving blood supply to the brain. (It helps with piles and varicose veins for the same reason.) Gingko is prescribed to dementia patients in France and Germany. Take as an herbal extract or tincture as prescribed by your herbalist or following instructions on the pack. Avoid if taking other medication.

3. Switch hands:

Use your “wrong” hand to manipulate the mouse, brush teeth and hair and open doors. This expands the circuits in the part of the brain that processes that hand.

4. Find everyday mental challenges:

Get into the habit of attempting a crossword or Sudoku most days. One study found that people who complete a crossword four times a week seemed to have 47 per cent lowered risk of dementia.

5. Rearrange familiar objects:
Move objects you habitually reach for without thinking in the morning: alarm clock, toothbrush, cutlery, breakfast cereal. This forces your brain to shift into gear early on and may make mornings more wakeful.
6. Become a lifelong student:
Continuing study through each new decade keeps the brain performing in a youthful way. Study the Bible. Read a book that challenges you to think and use your imagination. Write articles requiring study & research on a blog/website. Book an adult education course (to maintain interest make it a subject you feel passionate about), join a book group or local history society, a choir with a challenging and changing repertoire or try something practical such as car maintenance. The social aspect is important: socializing with others keeps the memory sharp and brain agile. .
7. Learn a language
Enroll in a language school or invest in a course to follow in the car or on the train. Learning languages stimulates the frontal lobes, the part of the brain that most often fades over the years. Book a holiday in a country that speaks the language and start buying local newspapers two weeks before you go. With a dictionary, pick through the weather report, arts reviews etc.
8. Enjoy family and friends:
Make time most days to enjoy the company of friends and family. In a study of older people at the University of California, those with most emotional support from a strong social network were more likely to retain memory, abstract thinking and language skills -- even if those relationships were testing!
9. Use stimulating aromas:
Perfume various times of day with different aromas to establish associations that trigger new neural pathways. Scent the car with two drops of essential oil of basil. Follow your morning shower with distinctly scented body oil. .
10. Holiday senses:
Choose a novel scented soap for weekends away. This will stimulate your memory when you use it again as it reminds you of the holiday.
11. Eat greens:
Consume foods containing plant antioxidants, such as spinach and blueberries. An American study suggests this reverses mental decline as we age. Plants also rich in folate have more pluses: researchers found older men who ate more folate-rich leafy greens and citrus fruit had significantly less age-related decline in memory and brain function over three years than those whose diets were low in folate.
12. Dine on fish:
Eating fish at least once a week can slow the rate of cognitive decline in older people by up to 13 per cent per year reports one study. Other research suggests omega-3 fatty acids in oily fish are vital for the functioning of brain-cell receptors. Eat different varieties -- mackerel, sardines and organically farmed trout -- two or three times a week.
. 13. Include iron: .
Anemia may cloud the memory with age (iron helps transport oxygen to the brain). Make sure you eat red meat, poultry, fish and eggs, and if vegetarian, plenty of pulses, nuts, seeds and whole grains, dark leafy greens, apricots and dark chocolate. For maximum absorption, accompany with a source of vitamin C, such as freshly squeezed orange juice, and the B vitamins found in yeast extract.
14. Zinc for thinking:
Zinc helps us think (find it in meat, poultry, fish, nuts, seeds, whole grains and onions). Absorption is blocked by a large intake of iron. . 15. Care about choline:
In a study of adults over 50, a five-week supplement of choline halved memory lapse. This mineral aids the absorption and use of good fats, vital for cell membranes, and helps the body use a neurotransmitter that transmits signals across nerve endings. Add meat, nuts and eggs into your diet daily. .
16. Try stimulating teas:
. Incorporate new herbal teas into your day. Lemon balm seems to help the brain store and retrieve information; green and black teas are associated with preventing memory loss with age. Peppermint tea stimulates the brain, promoting concentration and alertness. . 17. Unplug the phone:
The constant ping of emails and interruption of phone calls can cause IQ to drop by 10 points, found a study commissioned by Hewlett-Packard, leading to loss of concentration and problem-solving skills. Unplug the phone and resist the temptation to check e-mails for two-hour runs when you need to achieve results. Get up and walk across the office to talk to people instead, which also counts towards your daily activity quotient. .
18. Play games:
Games which force you to think ahead, plan alternative strategies and pre-guess others' moves are very valuable. Games that advance spatial awareness (useful for reading maps) include chess and draughts.

19. Problem-solving walks:

Get outdoors for a walk to raise circulation to the brain when you have a problem. Switch off from the problem at hand and turn your focus to your surroundings with your nose, ears and sense of touch. Walk backward and sideways to forge new circuits in the brain. After 15 minutes, start your return journey. Now ponder potential solutions.

20. Mall strolling:

Research with older adults shows that brisk walking in indoor malls is a valuable addition to the 30 minutes a day exercise rule. See if a mall near you runs a walking scheme for year-round sociable and safe activity.

21. Use your mind:

Be creative in art and different hobbies/activities.

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