Thursday, March 26, 2009

WE'RE ALL FLESH: Segregated is Not Equal Link

How do we look at people. . . .
A while back, I was looking for pictures of church buildings for my blog, I came across this sad but truthful writeup on the prejudice that has been going on for years in the USA. Prejudice is an ongoing issue not only there but all over the world including in Canada. We as people need to realize that flesh color is skin deep AND WE ALL HAVE THE SAME COLOR BLOOD. Every person from every nation is human and has the same basic cares as the next person. FOOD, SHELTER, CLOTHING. . .
AND MOST OF ALL LOVE. If man would see things through Gods eyes, it would not matter what color the flesh was or what country they were from. Mankind just needs to see that if they loved God to the fullest capacity which is through his spirit, these variations would not make any difference on the above skin color etc. Mankind would look at one another as God looks at him. He would only see that person as a soul with a destiny of seperation from Jesus. He would want to redirect him on a path towards Jesus where there is TRUE LOVE. So when we rub shoulders with other races. . .

“ For God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance,

but the Lord looks at the heart.” -1 Samuel 16: 7


Mary Frances said...

Awww thats cool!!! Do you know the people in that pic? Of course you know how I feel!!! BTW whats your email? Oh thanks for all your uplifting comments!!! I appreciate them!!! Like all your new stuff, especially the eittiquete tip, thats cool!!!

Cherylg said...

Thank you Mary. The picture I put in this post was one I found in the internet. I wanted it to have people that we could win to Christ in it as something for God's people to focus on re: Soul winning.

I think I am going to try putting some kind of link with everything when I post to give out some interesting stuff. Have you checked out the links on my postings.

I am thinking I am going to keep my background the same and maybe put some clipart of flowers or something after every post for decor. We'll see though cause I am just experimenting.

Mary Frances said...

I am sooooooooooo excited because Two of my friends, Sam and Janelle, newlyweds, and I are going to a church service this evening with some of the African people that I met. The man and his family are from Ruwanda, he is a Pentecostal pastor of a small African church that meets in a home. I am not sure what all they believe BUT he was very excited to meet Pentecostals and believes in the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues and all that. However, they do believe in the Trinity. So I talked to him a little bit about Jesus name baptism and he just seemed open to hearing about it. Anyways, to make the long story short he invited us to come to his church service tonight and mentioned us testifying. My pastor said it was find if we went. PLEASE PRAY FOR US!!! I really want a break through with these people. If God would open a door and we could teach them the oneness that would be sooooooooo awesome!!!! A dream come true!!! Please pray in JESUS NAME!!!

Cherylg said...

You're in my prayers and I will mention this to some others!!!!

cg :D<=

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