Friday, February 13, 2009


Today as I'm looking out the window. . . . I see the sun penetrating through the clouds as the earth is being dusted with snow.
It reminds me of cake decorating being done by God. He says "Calgary's needing a little decor added to the ground where the sun has dried up alot of the now dirty old snow. Sooo I'll sprinkle it with some nice sparkly sprinkles that someone can get a smile on there face on a perhaps depressing day 'cause of some bad news they received.

I must keep the sun shining though to get through those gloomy clouds (as someone may take them). Maybe I can help them to be positive. Maybe I can add some sparkles to their lives knowing that I am there for them, even in the sad times.


Girl 1 Smiley SunglassesAmericanGirl 5


Mary Frances said...

Awww...thats cute!!! I like that!!! I am gonna have to add the Sprinkles on the cake thing to something I am writing!!!

Cherylg said...

Heeeellllloooo Mary! I'm glad you liked that. What do you think of the rest of my blog? Do you have any suggestions? I am trying to find a background with basically the same color as I have now and did not find one in the "cutest blog on the block" (I think that's what it's called) and Pyzam doesn't work when I download and there I found a couple I like. What do I do? Got to go! Luv yu. Write soon. <8:)+<}={


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